FIFA 2022 World Cup FootBall Qatar Bus travel trips from United Arab Emirates

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Enjoy your Qatar Bus trip for the FIFA 2022 World Cup Football. Apply for Hayya Card through Qatar web portal on purchase of Football Ticket.
Qatar Bus Trip requirements:
Hayya Card
Saudi Visa
Apply for Saudi multiple entry visa for FREE for Hayya Card Holders. USD24 applicable for 60 days insurance while applying E-Visa for Saudi Arabia Entry permit through UAE- Saudi Arabia border.
Qatar Bus from Dubai, travel to Saudi Arabia - UAE border Ghuwaifat is 457 km and estimated time to reach Saudi UAE border is 6 hrs.
Saudi Arabia - UAE border to Saudi Arabia - Qatar border Al Salwa travel time is 2 hrs and 200km.
Qatar Bus drops all passengers for a Qatar entry permit by Hayya Card. Emigration check complete FIFA 2022 Bus pick up all passengers to Doha for about 90-100km. Al Salwa border to Doha shuttle bus operated by FIFA world cup 2022, it's a free trip for about 1hr-1hr:30minutes.
Dubai Qatar Bus Starts bet 2-3pm all days, reserve your Qatar bus ticket for World Cup FIFA Qatar 2022.
Visit for Qatar Bus service reservation
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